Friday, January 10, 2014

All About Jewish Cemeteries In New Jersey

By Marissa Velazquez

It is a traditional thing to bury individuals belonging to Jewish faith in their own distinctive religious way. It is considered highly important to perform some particular religious duties before they can bury their loved one's dead body. When it comes to Jewish cemeteries in New Jersey there are many of them and some of them were built many centuries ago.

Apart from old and ancient cemeteries, there are a few new ones as well. The land where cemetery is built is considered a holy place among Jews and in order to cleanse the space, some special religious ceremony is organized. It is a compulsory thing to organize a religious ceremony otherwise the land cannot be used for the purpose of Jewish burials.

Jews have an exceptionally close weaved group which makes them extremely solid as they help one another and look after one another in upbeat and in addition troublesome minutes. Other than sharing comparative confidence all Jews have faith in helping their group regardless of what happens. Along these lines they help towards planning the fabricated of new cemetery and in addition the services and customs connected with their entombments.

Long ago, the cemeteries were generally spotted well outside the town or city, in spite of the fact that still any individuals like to cover their friends and family in those cemeteries yet now you can likewise see a couple of that are fabricated just within the premises of urban areas as it includes more accommodation. There were a great deal more cemeteries close to the premises of this city however they were obliterated because of unforeseen circumstances.

It is a traditional thing to bury the body of a dead person with his feet in the direction of Jerusalem, which is a very holy and sacred place for Jews. Also, the tombstones placed on the graves are mostly written in Hebrew or other regional languages. It is not considered as an appropriate thing to bury in a non-traditional way because without proper religious practice any burial is described as invalid.

A ceremony should be held prior to the burial procedure. Apart from Rabbi, the close family members or friends must be present during the burial process. A special prayer is offered in this regards to provide peace to the soul of dead person. Jews have a very strong faith with regards to their death and they believe that when a person dies, his true life journey begins.

Apart from New Jersey, there are numerous other establishments old and new all around the United States. A portion of the prominent ones may be names as, Mikveh Israel Cemetery which is established in Philadelphia, Virginia Hebrew cemetery is located in Richmond and other than that, in Cincinnati Old Jewish Cemetery was created to cater the requirements of Jews.

In order to provide convenience and to cater the need of Jews living in the town, there are quite a few Jewish cemeteries in New Jersey. Its a fact that Jews perform their burial ceremony in their own distinctive religious way and they bury their bodies in Jewish cemetery only because they are not allowed to bury in an other ordinary place.

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