Monday, January 13, 2014

Useful Facts About East Africa Social Network

By Marissa Velazquez

East Africa social network is a technological platform that allows people from different walks of life to register as users. One has to submit personal details so as to qualify for an account. After joining, it is allowed to befriend as many people as possible. Having a crowd of followers is what many people desire. This portal can be used to accomplish many purposes such as marketing and networking among others. Free membership is ideal for most people. A premium member will qualify for additional benefits. The network supports a number of applications.

Functionality of a platform will be influenced by the number of features it has. Ability to message will be there. Programmers of a network can make the messaging layer to be advanced so that pictures and videos can be attached to a communication. Measures will be put in place to prevent the interception of messages. Present day internet security challenges necessitate the need to have a secure digital environment. Hackers are usually kept at bay using a number of technologies that have been perfected with time.

Instead of sending a long prose that can be boring and discourage response from the other party, an individual can opt for a short chat message. Chatting is supported by East African social networks. Because of the busy schedules of most people, they find it convenient to communicate in real time. One can see whether the other person has received the words that have been entered and whether or not he is typing a response. This is as a result of modern day developments that monitor key strokes.

Socializing is very important in life. Loneliness can lead to diseases and stress among other undesirable matters. Existing alone is not the best thing to do in a world full of human beings. Many people are so engrossed with work therefore they find it hard to set aside some time to meet new people. However, with East African social network, virtual meet ups are possible. All that is needed is a computer and an internet connection and one will be able to socialize from home.

A connection will have to be initialized by someone through sending friend request. Then the other party is given chance to respond. It is allowed to reject. Alternatively, accepting can be the order of the day.

There are privacy settings that will determine who will see what. It is not good to allow the public to see everything. A small circle consisting of core friends and family members are the ones who need to know a lot about an individual.

This network facilitates networking. The internet has made it possible to connect with people solely for business purposes. Not everyone joins East Africa social platform for fun. There are those who are members so as to be able to find new customers for their products. Registered users are allowed to harness site resources for the purpose of carrying out free marketing. Paid advertisements are also supported.

East Africa social network has had a positive impact on society in this part of the world. Users have been connected with new people and past colleagues. Also, profitability of some businesses has been enhanced.

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