Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What You Need To Know In Order To Identify Real Sterling Silver Jewelry

By Eliza Mendoza

The metal used in making of different ornaments is known as 925 Ag. The metals strength and durability is improved by mixing with metals such as nickel and copper. The other metals also aid in improving its appearance. In order to know whether sterling silver jewelry is real, it should have 7.5% non silver metals and 92.5% pure silver metals. The metals percentage proportion is a good indicator to know if the jewel is real.

There are times when you will find an ornament which has an overlay of genuine Ag on top of another metal. This is usually referred to as Ag plating and is not considered as 925 Ag because the plated type is prone to wearing out after using it for some time which reveals the underneath metal of a less quality. There are a lot of Ag ornaments available in the market today but it is good to know how to identify the real ones. Below are tips on how to go about it.

The one easy test to help in identifying the real 925 Ag ornament is by use of a magnet. Ag is not attracted to magnet. If you put the ornament close to the magnet and the magnet attracts it, then you should know that the ornament you have is fake. It could most likely be made from stainless steel.

There are some marking that you can identify on genuine 925 Ag products which are found on the underside or on the clasp. The markings to look out for include the following S925, 925 and . 925. These markings are a must find on genuine products since they are engraved when the metal is being crafted. A fake product will not have the markings.

It is recommended that you should use a soft cloth for rubbing the ornament in order to look for the black markings. If you find the markings, then the ornament is original. When 925 Ag is exposed to the air it oxidizes thus, changing the color. The test will not apply for those ornaments that have being plated using platinum.

One can also melt the ornament. When melting, the real 925 Ag ornament will not produce any smell. If by any chance you smell a faint copper or brass odor then the ornament you have is not real. The cost of the ornament can also be a guiding factor. The real 925 Ag ornament is quite expensive than the ornaments which are made from fake type of Ag. If your supplier gives you a good deal then you should think twice before purchasing.

When testing the ornament, nitric acid can come in hardy. An ornament that has been made using poor Ag quality or is plated will turn green. This is an indicator that there is high content of copper in the ornament. When nitric acid is applied on a genuine item, it will turn creamy. You should handle the chemical with utmost care since it is highly toxic.

To avoid all the hassle of trying to identify the sterling silver jewelry you have, you can instead buy from a seller who has a good reputation. Reputable sellers will offer you good quality products with the same cost or sometimes lower than other sellers. This way you will not worry if the ornament you have is the real 925 Ag without even testing it.

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