Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why People Enjoy Social Networks In South Africa

By Marissa Velazquez

Social networks in South Africa can be useful in a lot of different ways because they can keep you up to date with what is going on around you. This includes important news events, social scenes and what your friends and family members are doing. People from Africa as well as the rest of the world find that these networks are vital.

People young and old use the networks to communicate with friends and family all over the world and they have become very popular with those on the African continent. This is because it is a way to keep up with the news. Of course, there are other benefits, but you were not able to see up to the minute updates before.

If you wanted to know what was going on in the rest of the world, then you had to resort to newspapers and television. This could be a problem, because you could never be sure if what you were getting was the real thing. The other thing was that the news was not fresh, and this is the big difference with social networks where you can always rely on media that is new.

Some people do this on a regular basis whereby it only takes a minute or two to post something about what they are doing. Others wait for special occasions, like birthdays and spend a long time chatting on a video. This is quite nice because it is in real time and it is almost like you are talking to the person in real life.

You can search for something that you are interested and you can keep on getting updates on that particular topic. You can join a group of people who are interested in that same thing or you can start your own, and people will join in. This could help your business, or it may just be an interest of yours that you want to develop.

Where there is a positive, there is a negative, and one could say that you can get addicted to social networks, but that is up to you and you should have enough willpower to control yourself. This is just like with anything in life. You should decide how long you want to spend, or how long you can spend online.

It is also possible to use your cellphone and access the networks in this way. There are various applications which you can download on your smartphone and they work in the same way. It is easy enough to post messages and photos. Of course, some phones are more advanced than others, but most of them allow you to do this.

At the end of the day, one can see the positives emerging from social networks in South Africa. As more of these develop, it is important to find one that suits you. This will depend on various factors. Of course, you may want to have a couple of accounts, but some people find that sticking to just one of these is ample otherwise it may become confusing.

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