Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim

By Eliza Mendoza

Many Christians are struggling with the question, will the antichrist be a Muslim. The question comes from a closer reading of the bible and Quran which present a similarity of events before judgment falls on the world. This is the source of controversy over the identity of the beast. Though the scriptures give an indication of possibilities, humanity can only wait and hope to witness the rapture.

One may begin by evaluating scriptures that point at the return of a prophet. In Islam, it is believed that a twelfth imam disappeared at a tender age into a cave. This was to escape persecution that was happening at the time. The Shiites believe that one day, this twelfth Imam shall return just before the day of final judgment.

The bible carries writing about a ruler who is to return shortly before judgment falls on the world. The name used for this person is The Beast as illustrated in revelations chapter 13 and verse four. The ruler will be identified when he promises peace with the Israelites for a period of seven years. This treaty about peace shall then be broken before this period comes to an end.

The breaking of the treaty forms part of the signs that he is the beast that was predicted in prophesies. The ruler will declare himself God over the nations and rule as a despot. These events will herald the second coming of Christ. When the scriptures from Islam and the bible are related, some people believe that such a person with then be the twelfth imam.

The book of Daniel in the Old Testament throws a new spin into the debate. He gives a chronology of four empires that will rule before the rapture. There are three traits that are used to identify the final king. These traits resemble what John gives in the book of Revelation. The king shall reign with intrigues, allow deceit to prosper and feel super human.

The bible seems to exonerate Muslims from blame when it constructs the images of the final days. It describes four kingdoms with the last being a regrouped Roman Empire. Muslims are not part of this Roman Empire and therefore escape the net. Fighting between Muslims and Jews makes it almost impossible to get the seven year truce to be promised by the king. This seems to exclude Muslims from the equation.

The Antichrist is a speculative theory or prophesy that can only be verified over time. The possibility of acceptance in the Middle East can only be realized when a person of both nations becomes king. Such a half cast would find acceptance among Jews as one of their own and Muslims as the twelfth imam.

Until we are able to answer the question, will the antichrist be a Muslim, Christians can only exercise care when dealing with any leader. The bible cautions Christians not to believe every spirit that comes. They are required to test such spirits in order to identify if they come from the father. Such spirits can only be believed if they confess that Christ is the Lord.

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