Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Your Solution To Getting Back Together With Your Ex Lies In Your Heart

By Alexandra Peterson

Making the decision to get your ex back can be a complicated one. Family and friends might want to advise you to move on and find someone new. Counselors might even give you the same advise. Of course, your heart is telling you to do something completely different.

Even though many people around you are telling you to move on, this is still your life and your decision. While you might love your family and friends and respect their opinion, you don't have to do what they suggest. You can listen to them and thank them for the advice but it's almost impossible to ignore your own heart. Your heart rules you and it is where your dreams and desires are born. Your heart is the origin of your future and your heart is telling you that you still love your ex.

You don't want to offend the people around you and you worry that they will become upset with you. They all care about you very much. They don't want you to be upset and hurt anymore. It could be that they see things only from one perspective and that is that your ex is causing you pain. They want you to be happy again and often finding someone else to date or spend time with is a temporary solution to a deeper problem which is that you are still in love with your ex.

Once you do decide to attempt to win your ex back, be prepared for your friends and family to walk away in disgust. Some of them might consider you a lost cause or they might even appear angry with you. Try not to take this to heart. A better solution would be to keep your desire to get back with your ex to yourself. Your friends and family mean no harm but in your sensitive emotional state, a few uncaring words might harm you or cause you to doubt your decision. It will be easier to stay focused on your goal without well-meaning friends telling you that you're making a mistake or inadvertently hurting you.

Keep your dream of winning your ex back to yourself. Know in your heart that it is possible to reunite with the one you love. Your ex loved you once so it's wouldn't be unusual for you to get back together. Couples get back together after some of the most horrible circumstances so no matter how horrible things might have been for you and your ex you probably know of some other couple who had it worse.

Nourish your dream and make sure that you spend some time each day thinking about how you want things to be in spite of the current situation is important. Meditating, visualizing and dreaming about the exact scenarios that you want to take place is helpful. Be positive and optimistic about your chances of getting back together. Where will you go once your ex comes back? How will it feel to experience that first kiss? What will the holidays be like?

Dreams are the coming attractions of your life. You decide what your dreams will be and not your friends or family or counselor. If being in love with that one particular person that you connect with is important to you then who can tell you that this is wrong? You deserve to be happy in life and that happiness includes being in the relationship that you dream of exactly the way that you want. You are the most important person in your life and you should strive to be happy and content with the person that is best suited for you. Dream about getting your ex back and move forward in making that dream come true.

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