Wednesday, March 12, 2014

An Evaluation Of The East African Social Network

By Jaclyn Hurley

Communication channels have always enabled the transmission and relaying of specified messages from one location to another. Human beings have come up with a number of ways through which they can communicate. Through the process of communicating, special links are formed by these people. Local dialects have been incorporated into these languages so as to localize them. The East African Social Network has slowly grown from the local dialects into a very wide platform which can be used for bringing various groups of people together.

Most languages can be directly retraced to the cave man. They were developed so as to ease the process of communications between different people. The early man started off by doing the cave and wall writings. In some instances, wall paintings were used to pass the special messages to the intended persons. Through the paintings and the writings, the special messages could be relayed to the intended persons.

The smoke signals and a couple of sign languages took over the communication channels. Soon afterwards, the encoding of messages could be done on special papers. Some manuscripts were also used for the encoding of messages. The encoding of very secretive messages was usually done on reeds which were then locked into special safes. On being received, the safes could be unlocked and the message decoded. Through the use of encoding and decoding processes, the messages were rarely tapped.

The process of encoding of special messages formed the basis of most of the modern encoding procedures used in the relaying of messages. This laid the foundation on which the phones could be developed. Over years, simple telecommunication devices were created. These had simple tools that facilitated the making of phone calls and sending of messages. The tools within such devices had special encoding applications that ensured that the messages did not fall into the wrong hands.

The simple telecommunication devices laid the foundation for an evolution. The industry built better devices over the years. The devices that replaced the initial phones were far much better in terms of performance and security improvement. Such had the ability to gain access to the internet at a relatively faster speed. They also enabled the making of video calls especially for people separated by expensive distances. Online games also became a reality.

The convergence era in the communication industry entered once the devices attained special abilities. The applications installed could be used to manage various aspects of the personal lives. High speed processing speeds means that users now had the world at their finger tips. Through the use of such devices, the users were able to gain access to various online forums. Making of new friends through online social networks became a reality too.

People keep in touch through the various communication channels. The information is transmitted from one point to another during the process of relaying. Special links are formed by the people sharing then information over the communication channels. The communication links therefore enable various groups of people to keep in touch during such processes.

The communication channels that have been in use in the East African region have expanded over the years of evolution. The networks have fused with the technology to bring forth a better channel that has broken down the geographical barriers. Through such channels, the locals in different regions of East Africa are put on the world map.

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