Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The High Presence Of Male Wives In Our Society

By Gwen Lowe

In the world of today, many things are happening that can be termed as phenomena in our society. One of them is the growing rates of gender role reversal of gender roles. Even though it is a bit strange, the presence of male wives and even the female husbands is more predominant in the society as much as we are not ready to accept it.

What this means is that the husbands are taking up their partners roles in the marriage. There are also wives who are for this, and they assume the roles of their husbands as well especially by being the bread winner. Even at workplaces, more women are rising to power now more than before. These women are being empowered, and they fail to separate their authority at work from their home lives.

These empowered women who are having great authority become somehow a threat to the mens authority in the home setting. If they are not at a position to separate their work powers with the family responsibilities, the men are forced to take up their roles. These men will stay at home, do the washing, feed the children and cook for the family.

Most men are in fact willing to step back and give more control to their wives. This might be an expression of love and to show their partners that they are confident they can make it. It could also be a desire to step back and relax and not always be the one to take care of issues as this is exhausting. Thus, they choose to take a break and stay home.

Women who have a dominant personality will also most likely find themselves in this kind of situation. This is because they will argue until they get what they want and so for the relationship to work, the man steps down and let them do whatever they want. They may be confused by this turn of events, but the truth is they have created it themselves.

Love is majorly the driver to this change in relationships. The men are willing to relinquish their control in favor of supporting their wives. They may then find it easier to take their roles as it were. They cook and clean and take care of the kids while their wives go out there and achieve their professional dreams. This is quite normal in todays world.

These particular men will extend to dressing like women at home, and some even apply makeup. This is just a normal thing, and nobody should judge them as being because they are not certainly so. They should be understood that they just want to do what the wives used to do.

These males who are behaving like women can be looked down upon by fellow men and term them as a disgrace to the male fraternity. The opposite could be the plain truth that they just are men enough to take care of their wives. It is never the ego that shows how a man is good enough, but how much he can go out of his way to be there for his family.

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