Saturday, March 15, 2014

Zumba Skirts Make Exercise Fun

By Jaclyn Hurley

Though a great many people dread the thought of it, regular exercise is necessary part of proper physical health. Many promise themselves that they are going to devote more energy to this task, only to find that the motivation reaches a quick peak. What has helped a lot of folks maintain their resolutions to be more active is the introduction of a fast moving routine that encourages the wearing of Zumba skirts.

Zumba is a recent fitness craze that has put the fun and excitement back into aerobics. It originated in Colombia and combines active modern music, various forms of dance, martial arts and exercise moves to create a workout atmosphere that feels more like a party. The Latin inspired flair makes everyone feel motivated and ready to burn calories.

Unlike many exercise programs, this one is applicable for people of all ages, shapes, sizes, ethnic backgrounds and genders. The choreography has bits of hip-hop, samba, meringue, salsa, mambo, Bollywood and belly dancing mixed in with martial arts moves, squats and lunges. When the music gets cranked up, the instructor leads the class through a routine that is enjoyable and gets the adrenaline pumping.

Due to the great amount of movement involved in this program, it is strongly recommended that one wear the proper attire. All clothing should be of breathable fabrics that can wick sweat away and both shirts and pants need to be loose enough not to bind in any way. Fitness shoes are suggested since they offer support while allowing for quick pivoting action.

Some people find that adding special touches to their outfits makes the routine even more fun. Wrapping a scarf around the waist in the manner of a skirt accentuates the way one's hips move, especially when said garment has been embellished with sparking or swinging adornments like fringe, beads, sequins or metal coins. The inspiration for the style comes from the ancient art of belly dancing.

This garment has a truly versatile nature, which is one thing that makes it so appealing. They are normally triangular and made from easy and lightweight materials like silk, sheers and rayon, or they may be crocheted from thin yarns. Practically all body types can be fitted with these items and they are available in many styles from plain colors with no adornments all the way to bright hues and elaborate embellishments.

Because of their versatility, the scarves can be used for other fashion purposes outside of working out. Sometimes they are worn as a way to add a bit of flair to an otherwise boring outfit, or as a scarf for a bohemian vibe. They are also frequently used to create an exotic feel when serving as a cover up for a swimsuit or as a fancy turban or head wrap.

Ordinary exercise may be a difficult thing for a lot of people to motivate themselves to practice frequently, but thanks to innovative new programs that mix aerobics, dance and music, more individuals are becoming active. It is important to get folks moving by any means because keeping fit reduces a number of health risks. Regular workouts can help tone the body, strengthen the heart, keep weight under control and improve one's mood.

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