Friday, April 4, 2014

The Best Relationship Advice is All Around You

By Jennifer Langston 

As with most girls, the best relationship advice I ever got, I got from my mother. Growing up you never give much thought to the advice your parents gave you. You don't really realize the genuine truth in the things they say until you're older, wiser, and more experienced in that funny little thing called lover.

Relationships are all about give and take, through the good and the bad. You learn that the hard way in most cases. Compromises are a constant must for any long lasting and deep romantic relationship. In this, learn to accept when you are wrong, and don't push the envelope too far when you're right. Pushing it all too far will break things in the end. If your lover is not willing to compromise with you in the same way, then maybe things just aren't meant to work out between you two.

Treat your relationship like it's the most important thing in the world, but you can live without it. Loving someone and being loved are fantastic feelings and life just isn't life without a deep and clear emotion like love, but don't live your life for it. Things happen in life, and lovers come and go. Becoming too dependent on them and feeling like you could never live without them is, despite what many seem to think, a bad thing. If you delve yourself so deeply into the way you feel for this person, how are you going to cope when or if it all ends? Think of it that way, it could save you a lot of tears one day.

Some of the best relationship advice I've gotten, I've also gotten from just paying attention to my friends and their relationship problems. It's funny the things you notice when you're a spectator and not a player. Ask your friends questions about their relationships and the things they've gone through, but don't model your love life after theirs: It could end in massive disappointment. Also never forget the things you have gone through and index them in your mind. If your current partner is following in the same footsteps as an old lover of yours and things went really horribly, chances are it will happen with your new flame too. Those who forget history are destined to repeat it.

Keeping your eyes and ears open is the best relationship advice medium you can get. Life is flavorful and you're going to see some good days and some good days, but hold onto your self-preservation, no matter how in love you are. You may have to change a bit, but don't change too much. You may be in love, but don't take it too far. And don't forget your past mistakes and experiences, because the forgotten ones could very well come back and bite you in the end.

For more top-notch relationship advice online then visit the #1 relationship & dating advice resource on the net: Relationship Advice []

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