Showing posts with label right partner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label right partner. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014

Relationship Wisdom - The Right Partner

Many of my clients advice regarding either ask how to find the right partner or if they are correct. When you're in : Pursuing or their questioning of who you are with ?

The right partner

Imagine two circles. They symbolize two people, two people . This is the situation before the meeting : You are each unique individual with likes and dislikes , interests, etc.

Once you know someone imagine that the two circles begin to overlap . You can find common elements that can be linked to the other person. This overlap is what symbolizes their common points.

The fact is that you will never be equal to any other person. Some people need more overlap with another person to feel comfortable with them, and others need less.

You've found the right person for you is if you feel comfortable with the overlap and the parts that do not overlap . It will always be an answer at this point in time.

Timing and development

Over time you will change , things that are able to perceive , how they perceive the change and the fact that the content of your circle. It is the same for your partner. At some point in time may not be willing to share time and space with your partner because of this change, or because you have changed your view of what might stay the same content. What might have seemed "fine" when they could not be later.

Maintain good relations

Knowing that the key is its decision to maintain a relationship. Sometimes the pieces do not overlap could be a deal breaker or parties overlap are simply not enough to lead to a rupture. At other times , it means that the time to make the effort, time and energy in your relationship has taken . Keep the love is not something that happens to you, like falling in love ( you might think ) . Things in a mature relationship rarely occur spontaneously. As you have not only found randomly in the gym at 6:00 , plan and carry out a routine.

Success and longevity relationship is not a mystery, what works for some and not for others. It starts with your decision to do so, so that the person who found the person you love , learn to inject love and attention every day in your relationship and work on areas that need improvement .

The right person will be the right person, as long as you choose, and is willing to give their time and energy concentrated.