Sunday, December 22, 2013

Getting the Love You Want

 You want in a relationship. I had always dreamed to meet Mr. Right or Miss Perfect . Maybe you've dated for a while or maybe you're just the beginning of socialization. I clung to the dream that I can remember, but it does not seem possible and I do not know where to start . How do you find love in a world where no person is detected and not recognize the signs .

The solution to find the love of your dreams is to start at the end and work backwards. Begin to imagine met and bonded to the love of his life and answered his mistress dream just as you wish. Met How would you feel in your body , if not the only person of your dreams, but this one was nice to meet you ? Any part of your body you want to be more aware of - her breathing , her smile , and her temperature ? You can imagine that you feel comfortable , no pressure , no worry , no need to prove or to be something or someone , but yourself .

Now imagine the person of your dreams, the perfect lover , saying all those loving words you want to hear . What you can imagine that this person is saying about you, and how he or she feels at the moment? In your imagination , and let the words flow and are sensual , romantic and exciting.

Now imagine what would be your ideal person , if you are confident , relaxed and fully present in the moment. If you have absolutely nothing to fear because you know for sure that this person is crazy about you , what do you expect this person to meet all your life?

Wait until the vision to meet the perfect person for the nice words that someone says and how confidently express your love for that person . Clinging to bodily sensations to help you feel the ground, and is now quite happy happy .

Then think about the current relations earlier , or perhaps your life, really . Think about what you've done . Think about what I did wrong? Whatever you did, what you learned about life , love, and men and women? Well , to be honest with yourself and really decide what can be done better or could even do better in their current situation .

Follow the steps every day for several months or even a year . You will be surprised what happens in your life . A contract for your dreams , feeling and emotions and sensations in the body , imagine the words say and in fact are created trust your inner wisdom you have a relationship that will lead you directly into the arms of the love that you want.

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