Sunday, December 22, 2013

How to Share Emotional Space in a Relationship

The amount of space you take in the emotional relationship? The amount of space that you are emotional and your partner take in the relationship could be anything to do with you or your relationship makes it ? In fact, do not . The definition of " processing spent listening to the emotions or the person , words , thoughts and emotional " space and time , and the desires and needs and energy , etc.

In terms of the emotional dynamics of the space , there are three types of partners :

Type 1, and the emotional dynamics of space: A person in the relationship occupies most of the space emotional .

This is the kind of relationship where it seems that one partner be involved and bounds, more emotion and expression of needs in the relationship . This may seem extreme , emotional person and the needy , and intense , jealous , etc. It seems that the other partner in the relationship in question , and it seems to just get on almost any need at all. Super social appearance often involved filling the void in the psychological relationship , often out of fear that there will be nothing if not fill the emotional space .

Unfortunately, this is wrong . Emotional life of the relationship must be generated by two people , and on an equal footing as possible. Otherwise, you end up with a relationship that is not balanced and both are happy. Will be a happy one because he or she 's still working on a hook or , the other is not happy because he or she can not seem to get a break from the drama.

In addition, the person who holds the psychological space in the relationship , and ultimately to stop the burning . If there is an unequal relationship for a long time , you can only crumbs , because the partners will not be able to change gears in the sharing of the emotional space .

Type 2 emotional - vital space : two alternately emotional space in which they occupy, and one of them will take a long time .

This type of relationship is a copy of type 1 above , except that the torque is closely linked to and involved with each other . This is positive for the couple , but also makes them more volatile .

In this relationship , a person is always dominant , and anyone else involved is still low . Reactions to both more than once that he went the other , and have little time or energy for anything else .

These pairs are exhausted and burned and never close the connection and the product that they are looking for . Could become a couple who say , "I love you , but can not live with you " with each other and away from each other simply reduce drama.

Type 3 - Space emotional dynamic : any person in the relationship or emotional occupy much space .

It is a relationship in which people access to a degree of privacy and the level of accommodation . Can enjoy the company of others, and perhaps see us regularly , it may be even intimate . They may be together for a long time , or may even live together or get married. However, they are not moving in the emotional life of others.

For some people , this kind of relationship is more than enough , more than enough . For others , it's just an introduction to the success of the actual depth of couples are able to achieve together .

If you're in this kind of relationship that works for you , great. But if you're in this kind of relationship and want more , read the section Troubleshooting below.

Type 4 emotional - vital space : two people involved in the relationship of emotional space enough to feel connected and loved .

It is clear that this is what seems like a healthy relationship . One of the aspects of a healthy relationship is that two people can stay emotionally and flow with the amount of space each occupies in a given time. May be some periods in the first place on the person , while most of the time the couple will remain balanced to some extent. Others will not be able or be very emotional relationship until at some point.

What if you type in 1, 2 or 3 reports (see above) :

Help for Type 1 Connection

If you are a person who takes the most emotional space . Maximum utilization of space prevents your partner involved in this relationship . Stop eating space outside to change their relationship (ie, infidelity ) . Instead of talking to your partner , talk with friends or family , or every day . Instead of asking a lot of unmet needs , and begging to be filled by the other, or because the person who must be met for a period of time .

Create a vacuum , so that your partner has something to understand . This means that you have to stop trying to create a connection , and stop trying to create spend some time together , and stop trying to be the center of attention . Out of the stage of the relationship a little and leave the empty arena . It feels strange and uncomfortable , but it is a necessary evil . If you do not give your partner space to participate in the relationship , or they can find more freedom in any other place .

Get Help to learn how to stop eating a lot of emotional space . Contracting with a good therapist or coach of the working relationship on this subject . You may also need to assist the family to learn to share the emotional space and teach your partner what will occupy more space or more in the relationship .

Type 2 Help Login

Stop the drama. The key for both is the tone a little bit about the emotions , needs and desires , and surprises , and so the two of you must learn to be emotionally calm and balance , so that no matter what happens , their reactions are almost non-existent. The two of you should know that they are adults and are good, no matter what.

If you stop having a reaction or sweeten his partner and he or she is still , and let him keep it for a period of time . There may be a time to take the two of you do not know what to do in their relationship.

The key is to learn how to relate to each other in a more subtle, affectionate and quiet .

This may sound simple , but it is really hard to do. Get help from a coach or a therapist to figure out how to stop the drama and the balance of their relationship.

Help for the type of relationship 3

If you are in a relationship in which either has an emotional space too much or gives a lot emotionally , the two finally get away . If you want to maintain the relationship , it is time to invest more of yourself in it and invite your partner to spend more than necessary.

But not through more than one type 1 and occupies all the space emotional . Do not go slowly , and perhaps start by sharing a small part of yourself , which was idle. To be a little more open and a little bit more authentic in your responses . Small risk of emotional and find out whether your partner will follow.

Do not be aware that your partner may not want to continue in the deep waters of the emotional - some people are very uncomfortable to be around. If this is the case, will decide whether or not to continue the relationship . You must decide how emotionally close relationship that he wants to end up with your partner .

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