Monday, December 30, 2013

How Do You Stop Bullying

If you are tormented by bullies at your school , work, or online, you can be sure that you are not powerless to stop them . Most schools , employers and communities online and Internet service providers are interested in stopping bullying . Just speak and act to stop bullying . Do not think for a minute that if you do nothing , the attackers will leave. No, not work that way . As the old saying goes , " the wheel do not cry mom ." In other words , if you speak and act , you can solve the problem. Stop harassment depends on the configuration of bullying.


Bullies are motivated by the fact that people who do not take the noise. If you want your tormentors to stop, you have to deal with them and look them in the eyes. Communicate clearly that will not take their abuse and will report to the competent authorities . Explain the consequences they may face. Typical sanctions include suspension Bullies , counseling, or expulsion . Make it clear that you are not in danger, but explaining what to do . If they continue to intimidate, go ahead . If you do not follow through with their statement, they get bolder and just worsen poverty.


If you are being harassed or hazed , give fair warning to tell them that their behavior is clearly undesirable bullies . If you continue, please email describing the incident of harassment and CC: your immediate supervisor. Bring cc: to the attention of HR staff . Most workplaces are quite afraid of potential lawsuits and legal responsibilities . By sending a cc: line supervisors thugs and let the Department of Human Resources / Personnel know their work, you put in the disclaimer . The ball is in your court to investigate the incidents recorded in your e -mail , or advice, warning or terminate the troublemakers. The key to this process is clear communication. Explain that bullying behavior happened . Enter as many dates as you can remember . Harassment Describe as clearly as possible . What did they say ? What measures have been taken? How did you feel? Where there any witnesses? Whenever possible, citing the provisions Manuals Human Resources / Personnel covering bullying behavior . You must call HR / Personnel in the case and monitoring.


If you are the target of online bullying or cyberbullying , which is necessary to reflect the fact that many online forums , social networking tools, free blogs , and even hosts have policies on hazing . The first time I bullied you, do not jump the gun . Keep calm and take screenshots of abusive posts . Collect information on the perpetrator to give you a hard time . Once you have gathered enough information, contact the support service of the community free online resource you use. This applies through messages , blogs , forums and other free online where people gather places . As in the case of bullying, make clear the details and provide screenshots. Usually , the sites and services of free resources to help block the tyrants and maybe delete abusive messages. If tyrants use private blogs hosted writing abusive language on you, you can contact your web hosts on the matter. Many hosts have policies against unfair practices , which could lead to his executioners losing your host.

Make no mistake about it, you do not have to take bullying lying . Take preventive measures to ensure that the thugs who try to mess with you quickly learn the errors of their ways .

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