Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Type of Friend Everyone Needs

Every relationship is unique. Can make all ties two become friends . You can interact with many people on a regular basis or in some cases , but you can not set their friends recognize him as a friend . According to those involved , the time and the effort and expectations , and the relationship between the user of one acquaintance , neighbor or mentor can become a precious friendship that have been raised .

Friendship is a kind of reciprocity , and personal relationship that grows over time from one stage to another , and two people come together . Be described as a friendship requires that you have several key elements . Although some people , such as parents, teachers or parents , however, an essential part of their lives that sometimes can not be a true friend to you. It is because of your relationship with them does not respond to these basic elements .

The basic elements of friendship with the common interest between the two is mutual , trust , protection , honesty, and compassion, and respect , communication, and consistency , support and kindness . Therefore, even a partner online , you know that on the Internet through social media on the internet is really a friend if you think the person may develop mutually Most of these items with you.

However , it is important to note that even friendships are all key elements are not fixed . In fact, they are dynamic over time. It is not uncommon to see people who were close to each other to become tense , distance , and become hostile , or get back together again .

To have a lasting friendship until the last drop of effort worthwhile. It is not easy to be good or best friend . There is a good line from the great philosopher , that the only way to have a friend is to be one . If you want to be as good or better friend to someone, it is important to know the type of friend everyone needs to do so are listed below:

     A friend who is honest with you painfully . Honorable friend who did not always tell you what you want to hear , but we always say what you need to know is beautiful . This friend can definitely someone to go to when faced with a crisis on her hands . With good intentions , he or she can advise you for your own benefit .

      A friend who is older and wiser . It is a friend to do outside the scope of his other friends , your career, your relationships and your life such as it is now . This is a person who is aware of when you have acne and a bowl cut . This is the privacy of the person that he or she always makes you feel comfortable being yourself an unconditional acceptance .

       A friend who is younger and inspiring. You need a friend like this mind your youth and will give you reasons to stay cool. We know that infectious enthusiasm , so you can always have more fun if you about a friend of youth and enthusiasm .

       A friend who stays positive and ready for anything . This kind of friend is that all we need to inform the drop of a hat . This friend is a person who will rise up and make your life easier with a positive and flexible .

       A friend who provides a high level of privacy. It is a kind of friend that you can make an emergency call without having to get involved in your case . This friend provides a high level of secrecy that feel safe to share one of your dreams , hope , fear, or problems, but he or she will not talk with others when you are not around .

       Friend was once a stranger to you. It is a new friend with a completely different background , so he or she can draw different types of thinking and new ways of being. This kind of friends can open up the possibility to connect to other people who could have a positive effect on your career or life in general .

Interesting to know that not everyone has a good friend , and others have only one best friend . This is a personal preference , but most of the time and we need friends . However, do not deserve a toxic friend who hold life .

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