Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Magic Of Making Up - Get Your Ex Back

So you've broken up with a boyfriend  girlfriend . And after crying buckets, and throw a lot of tissue in the trash and place in binge eating to prevent depression , and finally decide that you are still madly in love with him / her and that you want him  her again relationship .

Sunday, April 6, 2014

All Relationships

By Tami R Principe

Our connections through relationships are so important. Sometimes we get so busy that we intend on calling that special someone, or taking them to lunch, but before you know it's the weekend and you have a full agenda.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Handling Your Relationship Problems

It appears or so it seems that there must be a relationship problem in every relationship. This is one aspect in relationship that very many people pray they will never experience. But be sure and understand that the only place where relationship problems will not occur is a place where there is no relationship at all. No matter how small or casual a relationship looks like, there are problems associated with it. The earlier you learn this truth the more prepared you would be when these problems arise. Most times while we find it difficult to get along again with our partner after having a relationship problem is because often than not we don't prepare for them before they come. Actually nobody ever wishes to experience any problem in his or her relationship but we can never no matter how we try run away from relationship problems.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Tips for Relationship

How to strengthen your relationships? Do you miss the opportunity to demonstrate commitment, generosity and passion? Like everyone else , these relationships can fail or slip, because nobody is perfect . When this happens , is both their responsibility to take steps to ensure that your relationship becomes stronger , fuller and monitoring measures . If you are an entrepreneur , you get to pay for their colleagues? If you're a colleague, what can you do to help your colleagues to do good or to accelerate your career? Do you share valuable information with them to enrich their knowledge on how to promote new or improve your success?

If you are a spouse, you do things to encourage your spouse or you look at the opportunities to make him look stupid ? Do you remember your weaknesses and improve your strengths? Are you taking any type of action in a way that will make your husband proud of you , or do what you want, regardless of another person 's feelings ?

If you are a businessman, you talk to your customers with dignity, when things go wrong or you reject and belittle their concerns? Do what you can to help them solve their valuable services to help them?

If you want to strengthen your relationship, you should ask what is one thing you can do next week to strengthen the relationship? List five things you can do to help strengthen your relationship and make one every week for the next five weeks. No secret , tell the other person you want to improve relationships and maybe you can inspire some positive competition - another good way to encourage interaction .

If you are an entrepreneur , you know your customers / clients are valuable for the survival of your business to make concessions to them and treat them in a way that reflects their value. If you are a manager , then you know that your employees are important to the success of your team or department to deal in a way that shows the value . You speak in a respectful manner , to stimulate their growth and development , common goals and vision with them so they can be fully committed to making it a reality . If you are a spouse, then you know the value of your spouse plays in this relationship and help build the life of your dreams. It is very important that you treat your wife with dignity and respect , acts of kindness, love , understanding and forgiveness for the mistakes and hurts.

When working with groups often wonder how they feel useful at work or in their intimate relationships. I think this is important because the assessment of the value of the relationship is something both parties should do. If you think that is evaluated in a relationship, then it is your responsibility to do what I call - the value of the conversation. This is where you ask the other person in relation to the identification value of ten things that you bring to the relationship, and offer to do the same . Ultimately , the priority should be given to the first five values ​​, then ask the other person he or she wants to show respect to this value in the next three months, and of course, be ready to the same.

7 Tips on How to Keep Your Casual Relationship Really Casual

Today many people choose to keep a casual relationship with their dates and avoid making deeper commitments. However, this relationship is only possible if both parties agree to keep very casual. Otherwise, people begin to encounter many problems and pain. How to keep your look very casual relationship. 

1). Reach an agreement

You must be on the same floor with your date. If you take this very casual relationship, make sure that the other side has the same understanding of the situation. Therefore, you may want to talk about things. 

Of course, there is the risk of rupture, and the other person can not agree with you. But it is always better to be honest. 

2). Rules established 

It is a good idea to get a list of rules for their causation. For example, you can not see your date every day and you can make a little time for him just a week or two. Or, you may not want to enter your date casual with friends or family. Just come with a list of rules and share with the date of approval. 

3). Do not get emotional 

Emotional condition take your relationship a step further. So if you're really set on keeping casual, avoid getting too emotional about your date. 

4). Avoid physical contact 

Sometimes you may want to just "platonic" relationship with someone. If you love that person and you become good friends with them or flirt with them, but no physical contact takes place. This is a good way to keep the distance. 

5). Keep your distance 

One thing to have in your causation is to define your personal space, so to speak, and keep it very personal. Your casual date can not have access to certain areas of your life or your business. 

6). Enjoy 

Unlike serious relationship, causality can allow you to have fun with little obligation. Just be friends with your date and have fun together. 

7). Be honest 

There may come a time when the other person or if you wish, you can change the state of things and take everything to the next level. Then you must be honest with each other and agree to go serious or separated. 

Hopefully these simple tips on casual relationship help fix things in our lives and to avoid more pain and confusion on both sides. You certainly do not want to hurt someone's feelings or get their feelings hurt. So are the rules and follow them to the letter, unless you really fall in love and forget all their rules. 

Who knows, your causation could be something serious.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Will Your Relationship Last? 7 Must Read Questions

How to know if your romance will last is to observe past behavior and present your partner, especially in groups, and learn how to prove the professional skills of marriage. Because I see that most of the damage caused by the connection of the blind, running through the steps of commitment, not to create a solid foundation for the real needs of the relationship, I I always welcome the opportunity to pre counseling - commitment. My job is to ask the tough questions , in the excitement of a new romance , the couple may not have considered. Here are some questions that every couple should consider before moving in together or making joint financial commitments:

1 ) . What is your definition of commitment ?

Whether you know it or not, you and your partner to define their relationship. If you do not know what you mean a lot to your relationship , you run the risk of repeating the mistakes of the past, stuck in uncomfortable roles stays , or fight for what is a healthy relationship . Talk about what you mean by words such as respect, commitment, love and fidelity. You'll be surprised by what you learn .

2 ) . Have you discussed finances?

By sex, money is the biggest generator of problems, arguments and resentment in the long-term relationships . Couples tend to assume that the money must be pooled , but is usually not as simple as that . Income disparity can mean to fight for who pays for what , or whose income determines your lifestyle. Different financial habits ( one likes to save , the other goes up and does not detect ) can be a source of discussion. For many couples , separating your money makes things better, not ending battle for control. You can divide the uniform cost or exercise a percentage if their income is different.

3 ) . What household responsibilities ?

If you do not live together, to visit the homes of others. Radically different levels decorating styles , cleanliness and organization can be a source of argument, and so cleaning and tasks . If you have different tastes , you can require a lot of creativity and negotiation to decorate a joint in a way that makes both comfortable.Additionally home , think before you enter the house set your partner. You may find it hard to feel like you "belong " in a house that was previously established by your partner , if you join together to reorganize and redecorate .

4 ) . How close you are family or friends?

If one of you has a lot of family or friends , and the other , are not what these relationships. Where will you spend the holidays? If there are family members who have problems such as substance abuse or mental illness, how will this impact your relationship ?

5 ) . How anger and other emotions manipulated ?

Everyone gets angry from time to time . If you are good in general , spreading anger of others and be supportive in times of sadness or pain, your emotional bond will deepen as time goes on . If you tend to react with each other and make it more unstable and destructive situation is necessary to correct the problem before living together.

6 ) . How is showing love to each other ?

Share actions and words mean love can be surprising. Even though it is a struggle, discuss how to give and receive love will enhance your relationship. You understand what each of you to feel loved it, and how to effectively express your love .

7 ) . How well a patient to discuss these issues ?

Ask yourself these questions are excellent evidence of their ability to identify and solve problems. Constructive debate that leads to a mutually satisfactory solution means that you know how to solve problems in their relationship. If not, get advice before proceeding.

Manipulation in Relationships

Editing software Photoshop or digital images are used to manipulate the images to a different aspect of the original, or give the image a look that you want. Handling is not different, it is to control a person or situation to get what you want. Why ? Many things can cause this problem.

Do you find yourself doing things you do not really want? When a loved one or to suggest that I do something against their will, how do you feel ?

People use manipulation as a way to control people , events and their own lives. It is a type of self-defense mechanism . Usually these people trying to stuff manipulation had no control , such as young children, often abused or abandoned , etc. or adult who believe that manipulation is a way to get what they want . Using the tip and allows them to feel euphoric.

Checkmate is a position of chess in which the king of a player is threatened with capture and there is no way to counter the threat. Or, simply , the king is attacked directly and can not avoid capture. It is similar to the game of manipulation, creating a situation where the other person is captured and victim.

To manipulate someone is to play with someone's mind . Try to convince the other person that what you offer is the best option for him, but you know it will work in your favor .

For example, when Zora told his mother he would go to her in-laws place a burden on them if she knew what the answer from her parents and she got what she wanted and everything stayed for several days make their parents feel guilty asking you to leave your home.

The manipulator is seen in the center of the universe and other things revolve around him. He is happy with the sense of ownership and possession of all, little empathy for others feels, and does little else unless there is a personal benefit.

The trick is to recognize it and make sure that you are neither a defeat nor be manipulated, as it is a dysfunctional relationship . Here are some ways to tell if someone is trying to manipulate :

1 ) . Tears: When someone welling with tears in his eyes, and not necessarily their real tears .

2 ) . Sanction: Remove love and support.

3 ) . Lie : The manipulators are expert liars. They invent stories that sound logical to make people feel sorry for them so they can get something.

4 ) . Diversion : Manipulator not giving a straight answer to a direct question and direct the conversation to another topic.

5 ) . You buttering Up: To achieve their purposes, manipulators often make you feel good , so I can then ask them to do something they want.

6 ) . Anger : Manipulator uses anger to emotional intensity to get the victim into submission.

7 ) . Guilt Trip: this manipulative behavior seeks to feel guilty.

Identify manipulative behavior , think about what they do and if his words are used to get to do something you really do not want to do. Ask yourself some questions about the effects of their actions.

Once you identify the handler creates a wise option to cut it or ignore it . Stay where you are and do not try to twist and learn to say "no."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

5 Tips For Relationship

Some people use marriage counseling to resolve minor battles in your marriage , and some people use this resource only if your marriage is on the verge of divorce . Regardless of how you use these resources, here are five tips for couples therapy .

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Type of Friend Everyone Needs

Every relationship is unique. Can make all ties two become friends . You can interact with many people on a regular basis or in some cases , but you can not set their friends recognize him as a friend . According to those involved , the time and the effort and expectations , and the relationship between the user of one acquaintance , neighbor or mentor can become a precious friendship that have been raised .

Friendship is a kind of reciprocity , and personal relationship that grows over time from one stage to another , and two people come together . Be described as a friendship requires that you have several key elements . Although some people , such as parents, teachers or parents , however, an essential part of their lives that sometimes can not be a true friend to you. It is because of your relationship with them does not respond to these basic elements .

The basic elements of friendship with the common interest between the two is mutual , trust , protection , honesty, and compassion, and respect , communication, and consistency , support and kindness . Therefore, even a partner online , you know that on the Internet through social media on the internet is really a friend if you think the person may develop mutually Most of these items with you.

However , it is important to note that even friendships are all key elements are not fixed . In fact, they are dynamic over time. It is not uncommon to see people who were close to each other to become tense , distance , and become hostile , or get back together again .

To have a lasting friendship until the last drop of effort worthwhile. It is not easy to be good or best friend . There is a good line from the great philosopher , that the only way to have a friend is to be one . If you want to be as good or better friend to someone, it is important to know the type of friend everyone needs to do so are listed below:

     A friend who is honest with you painfully . Honorable friend who did not always tell you what you want to hear , but we always say what you need to know is beautiful . This friend can definitely someone to go to when faced with a crisis on her hands . With good intentions , he or she can advise you for your own benefit .

      A friend who is older and wiser . It is a friend to do outside the scope of his other friends , your career, your relationships and your life such as it is now . This is a person who is aware of when you have acne and a bowl cut . This is the privacy of the person that he or she always makes you feel comfortable being yourself an unconditional acceptance .

       A friend who is younger and inspiring. You need a friend like this mind your youth and will give you reasons to stay cool. We know that infectious enthusiasm , so you can always have more fun if you about a friend of youth and enthusiasm .

       A friend who stays positive and ready for anything . This kind of friend is that all we need to inform the drop of a hat . This friend is a person who will rise up and make your life easier with a positive and flexible .

       A friend who provides a high level of privacy. It is a kind of friend that you can make an emergency call without having to get involved in your case . This friend provides a high level of secrecy that feel safe to share one of your dreams , hope , fear, or problems, but he or she will not talk with others when you are not around .

       Friend was once a stranger to you. It is a new friend with a completely different background , so he or she can draw different types of thinking and new ways of being. This kind of friends can open up the possibility to connect to other people who could have a positive effect on your career or life in general .

Interesting to know that not everyone has a good friend , and others have only one best friend . This is a personal preference , but most of the time and we need friends . However, do not deserve a toxic friend who hold life .

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Relationships - 9 Never- Changing Rules

In a relationship, their ability to understand and respond to the needs and desires of the other person is essential. Understand the nature of relationships themselves may be as important for success in love as understanding the person with whom you have relationships.

The key to a working relationship is twofold. First you need to work on a day to day relationship . Secondly, you have the right information to identify where the relationship needs work . Without this information, you are just presuming that the assumptions and are the enemy of any healthy relationship .

Monday, December 2, 2013

Why Do Some People Always Feel Abandoned?

You can have the desire to be in a relationship that is significant and fulfilling and yet might find this difficult to achieve. And it could be you are not able to attract the right person, or when they are in a relationship with someone they connect with, ends soon .

There may be all sorts of reasons why this happens. But if it has become a way of life of that person and what they are accustomed to , it is not likely to be in work habits .

Sunday, December 1, 2013

How to Conquer Every Marriage Crisis

Every relationship has its ups and downs - and marriage is no exception. We take the vow \"for better or for worse\" but seldom do we worry about what that actually means... until we hit a crisis and feel as though our world (and marriage!) is ending. So how do you deal with a marriage crisis? Follow these five easy steps to ensure you can conquer any marriage crisis.