Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Quick Analysis Of The East African Social Network

By Marissa Velazquez

Human beings have a couple of ways of getting in touch with their friends, relatives and those that they love. The means and modes of communications have slowly evolved through the ages to suit their growing demands to interact. In most cases, the spoken words have been the main form of communicating with others. The use of social networks is slowly gaining popularity is most parts of the world. The East African social network is being used by the locals of the region to stay connected with the rest of the world.

Communication is used for a number of reasons. Through communications, people can express their emotions. This happens especially where there exists bonds between the groups of people. Communication is also used to relay different pieces of information from one place to another. The delivery of information being transmitted depends on the channels being used in transmission.

Man has evolved over a period of time. The different methods that the early man used were simple and straightforward. These were necessitated by the social circles. Through the use of drum beats and the smoke signals, the early man could reach out to others. The simple forms of communication laid the required foundation for the later advancement in methods of communication.

Changes in the telecommunication industry are as result of the need to have better and secure communication systems. The traditional means of communication were prone to tapping and alteration of information. There was a need to have better, advanced and secured systems. This is what gave birth to the modern systems. With the modern systems, the information being relayed can be secured as it is being transmitted over different network layers.

The use of technology in communications and interacting has slowly changed how people perceive life. The simple phones that were once used for just communicating are now being replaced by sophisticated ones. These phones had simple tools that could allow for sending texts or making of phone calls. The newer and sophisticated ones in production are adding an array of tools into the systems. This is slowly making the industry more and more advanced.

The telecommunication revolution has been driven by massive investment in research and development. The telecommunication companies are investing a lot of resources in trying to come up with better, secure and advanced communication channels. As more and more resources are pumped into the industry, the systems get complicated. The use of sophisticated smart phones which have integrated lives into the devices is on increase.

The use of internet is also growing in leaps and bounds. Most of communication channels are web-based. There are millions and millions of social sites. This means that more people are joining these sites with aim of making more friends. Online dating is also on increase as more people resort to the internet for meeting new lovers.

The East African social network has been integrated into the world map. This means that the traditional geographical boundaries have been eliminated. With such an interaction and communication network, the locals can meet new people from various parts of the world. However, such an international network is raising security concerns among different races of people.

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