Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to Get His Attention and Keep It

Are you lusting after a guy who doesn't even seem to know that you exist? Are you wondering how to get him to notice you, and more importantly, how to get him to like you? Are you curious as to why he hasn't asked you out yet? It has nothing to do with how attractive you are, or how much fun you are to be around, it's a matter of making it obvious that you are also interested and that you would make a great partner.
Guys aren't exactly the most observant people at all times. You could feel like you're already throwing yourself at him and he doesn't even realize it. Most men have a lot going on in their lives and on their minds, just like we women do. That's why it's important to stand out from the crowd and really make your intentions clear -- let him know that you are interested.
A sense of humor is one of the first qualities people mention when describing their ideal partner. Everyone loves a good laugh, after all. So when he's around, tell a little joke. Entertain him. If you tickle his funny bone, he will be that much more likely to remember you and be interested.
When he's around, you'll want to make sure that you stroke his ego a little bit. This type of flirting will not only make him feel good about himself, it will help him to notice you because he'll realize that YOU are noticing HIM. If you see him wearing a new shirt or tie, compliment him on it. If he just played at an open mic night, tell him that you liked a certain part of a song that he played (and be specific, so that he knows you were paying attention). If it looks like he's lost weight or bulked up recently, let him know that you noticed. Once he knows that you are paying attention to him, he may start to realize that you're paying attention because you're interested.
On the other hand, you don't want to go overboard with this type of thing. If you spend every conversation you have with him telling him how wonderful he is, how will he ever get to know how wonderful you are? Make sure your interactions are balanced and that he is learning about you, as well. That way, he'll realize that you make good relationship material.
To find out more about how to get male attention, click Signs He Wants You. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.
Hannah Fairfield is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

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