Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Relationships: How Much Grief Before It's Too Much?

By Patti LaRue 

Even though it is true that grief is something that is a part of life, it can also be the worst and most difficult parts of anyone's life. Often it is very difficult to understand and for most it seems as if by the end of the day they have just finished a long and sorrowful journey alone.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Relationship Tips

By Terry Ross 

Relationships can be so exciting at the start. It's a time when you just can't wait to see each other, spend every spare minute dreaming about each other and just can't keep off the phone. Unfortunately as the relationship develops into a comfortable routine, the excitement generally recedes, the need to touch base becomes more infrequent and a period of normality sets in. For many, the excitement is in the chase and for others the feeling of commitment can become a strain, the recognition that the love of your life is only human and has their faults makes you question your judgment, and the disappearance of those little surprises can out a dampener on the whole thing. The need to make that extra special effort goes to the back of peoples minds flirtation tends to become a thing of the past and the 'extra special' element that generated the attraction in the first place starts to dissipate. At this point in the relationship a few tips can be just what you need to set you back on the right track.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Keys to Fixing Relationship Problems

By Lacey Wills 

If you are having issues in your relationship it's important to learn to fix those relationship problems. There are many ways to handle relationship issues and as you work through them, you'll find that you and your partner are happier. After all, the relationships in your life are one of the things that make life worth living, right?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to Get His Attention and Keep It

Are you lusting after a guy who doesn't even seem to know that you exist? Are you wondering how to get him to notice you, and more importantly, how to get him to like you? Are you curious as to why he hasn't asked you out yet? It has nothing to do with how attractive you are, or how much fun you are to be around, it's a matter of making it obvious that you are also interested and that you would make a great partner.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Relationship Satisfaction Secrets - Emotion Or Devotion?

Relationships tend to be dominated by emotion or mutual devotion. A conduit to other problems and success.

emotional relationships

Examples of relationships characterized by emotion are those where there are many conflicts, an anger problem or histrionic personality . These relationships tend to be controlled by emotion, and move from one mood to another fairly quickly , depending on changing circumstances and emotions that emotions are expressed - which tend to distort communication and cloud the relationship.

committed relationships

However, a report which pairs have a high degree of level of devotion tends to be more consistent. Both partners have the first relationship and are committed to each other, and how to weather the storm in stride. Your emotions do not dominate the relationship or tilt out of balance .

And your communication style reflects his devoted love for each other - a secret of a good relationship .

Faithful partners generously give their time, attention and esteem.

When a great lasting devotion is present in a relationship, although the relationship may be imperfect because they are all problems and disorders tend not to hit the relationship in crisis. In addition , devotion tends to create a hard surface like a stone that gives countless benefits .

What kind of relationship you have an emotional connection or dedicated ?

Tips to increase devotion

In some relationships one partner is very pious , but the other is not . These relationships can be difficult where the devoted partner can feel a sense of constant frustration. Things improve when the least element devotee becomes attached to the relationship.

In other reports , there may be a low sense of devotion on the part of both spouses. In all cases , the sense of commitment can be improved.

improved Devotion

1 ) . Increase intimacy and friendship. One way is to start having more fun together and enjoy each other's company , instead of finding the external stimulus of the relationship.

2 ) . The design of the relationship that makes it more interesting and attractive for both parties. It may be time to do something different together.

3 ) . Talk about the relationship and identify areas of growth and development . If an imbalance in devotion or commitment is a problem for a spouse , the spouse can bring to the discussion and make another account. He or she must communicate your feelings in a loving way .

4 ) . Set goals and make plans to improve the relationship based on the potential of your relationship. . . start thinking about what can be rather than what is. Imagine . Imagine !

5 ) . Make more time for rest , recreation and combat stress together. . . make sure that the relationship is not all work and no Thurs And keep your game to become work.

6 ) . Both partners should be responsible for the relationship, and everyone must work to improve the quality of the relationship . Devotion is effort.

And remember this little maxim : " A partner can carry more load ... or there will be problems in the future. "

Resentment has a negative impact on devotion !

7 ) . Renew your wedding vows to create a strong feeling of devotion and rekindle the passion.

Remember to take control of your emotions, too . An emotional relationship will be high maintenance .

If you work on improving your relationship by instilling greater devotion , your relationship will be stronger and more resilient . . . and soon their relationship will give you more happiness and satisfaction!

Devotion is a reflection of the quality of love that fuels the relationship. When your love grows , you will automatically find the level increasingly also devotion. Devotion is a beautiful quality that warms the heart and fills the soul with joy.

It feels so good to have someone dedicated to us, and it feels even better to focus on other , to feel the fire burning in us unwavering devotion. Devotion separate from their relationship packaging invaluable relationships emotionally charged . . . and will give you many hours of sincere satisfaction.