Saturday, January 18, 2014

Learn How Communication Skills For Couples Can Transform Your Relationship

By Marissa Velazquez

Are you in bad terms with your spouse? If you answer is yes, you need to learn the benefits of Communication skills for couples. You are the architects of your love, and only you and your spouse can work towards making it better. If you are not able to share your feeling freely to your spouse without fear, it may be difficult to you to live in peace. It is sad that some people prefer ignoring, and living with the pain inflicted by their spouses rather than share it out.

If you are dreaming of a relationship without challenges, you are wrong. This is because; it is healthy and expected that spouses disagree at one point of their relationship. The difference, between the working relationships and those that does not work is the way different spouses handle disagreement between them. If you are not able to talk out your differences with your spouse amicably, you can apply the following techniques to see if they will work for you.

One of the major killers of relationship between spouses is lack of a forgiving spirit. It is common to find some spouses remembering things that passed many years ago. If your spouse wronged in the past, avoid bringing the issues in your present arguments. Instead of letting the past disagreements rise in your present problems, consider focusing in to solving the problem, at hand.

If you want to enhance good exchange of information between you and your spouse, you will need to listen without distraction. Some people are not good listeners. They cut short the other person before he or she has finished talking. Sometimes, you may be quite and pretend to be listening. However, you may be contemplating on what to say next. This will not solve your problems; ensure that you take time to listen to what your spouse is saying.

Do not aim at having your spouse hear you out, without you taking some time to listen to your spouse as well. This is because; if you do not see your spouse point of view, the disagreement will not be solved. It is also important to make your spouse see your point of view.

If your spouse criticizes you, consider accepting the critics rather than defend yourself. This is because; defending yourself will only lead to lack of agreement between you and your spouse. Due to anger, your spouse may criticize you wrongly. In such a case, take the genuine accusation, and work towards rectifying rather than resist the accusations.

It is sad that some spouses work towards winning a disagreement, rather than find lasting solution to the problem. However, competing cannot help in building a lasting relationship. Try finding a solution, even if t means compromising. You only need to make sure that you make a decision that will leave both of you happy and satisfied.

Some people deal with any issue regarding their relationship emotionally. This is why you find that, instead of working towards initiating communication skills for couples in their relationship, they prefer giving up on their spouses. However, this should be the last option. Talk with your spouse and try to find a solution to your problems.

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