Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Categories Of Jobs In Trinidad And Tobago

By Marissa Velazquez

Jobs in Trinidad and Tobago are opportunities that generate income for the residents of these places. As such, a good number of people have ventured into various fields in order to generate income. There are those tasks which require only the manual input of the people, while others may require both manual and intellectual input.

The first category of work is that one which requires more of intellectual and some manual work in some cases. These tasks are commonly referred to as white collar jobs. They usually involve an individual working in a well structured office under a given rank or title. Here, the people who secure the employment opportunities must have attained qualifications that satisfy their employers in line with their field of employment.

There are a number of reasons as to why a good number of people admire venturing into this field. For one, most of the tasks here are the kinds that pay the employees very well. Besides, people like the kinds of work where they spend time in offices just working with their brains, without indulging in tasks manually. The mode of payment here is also reliable especially for those who wish to seek for loans from banks.

Some people may however be opposed to these kinds of jobs. These are people who want to have their own time to run their own investments. For such people, these kinds of work may not provide them with the time they need. Some of the tasks are also too much yet the employers pay very little for them. Besides, one is forever answerable to their bosses, and this may make some people feel extremely intimidated.

The other category of tasks is those ones which may not require a lot of intellectual input. These ones are mostly done by those people who did not manage to acquire very high levels of education. Such people may have just attended lower institutions of learning such as polytechnics, in which mechanical and manual skills are imparted. Some of the duties that fall under this category include those such as carpentry and masonry.

The individuals who have ventured into this field can attest to the many benefits accruing to them. For one, they are never accountable to anybody, since they are their own boss. Besides, they can restructure their ventures into what they want them to appear like. These kinds of duties also make it possible for one to run more than one venture without any single problem or difficulty.

However, some of the tasks in this category may be rather discouraging. Some such as washing toilets may make the service providers feel discriminated against. Such people may even be locked out of opportunities to access credit facilities from financial institutions. Some tasks such as carrying luggage are also very tedious and cumbersome for people to perform.

Jobs in Trinidad and Tobago have provided a source of income to all the people. The amounts of income earned by various individuals depend fully on the line of work they have taken on. More people are creating more work opportunities by day, in order to accommodate those that are jobless.

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