Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Advantages Of A Non Denominational Church

By Marissa Velazquez

A non denominational church can be a good place to go if you need a change from where you are at the moment. Often if you are in one place for too long it can become stale with the same ideas that don't seem to change. If there are no goals or dreams of moving forward set by the elders it may be time to think of something else.

Sometimes the denominations that have been around for a long time come with a lot of traditions. Some people enjoy this, and others loathe it. This all depends on you and how you have been brought up and what you enjoy. Some people are in a comfort zone and it is not easy to escape from this. It certainly takes a lot of encourage, and often some force from a friend or family member.

There are those that idolize and worship statues within their place of worship, and this defeats the purpose of what the actual purpose of Christianity is all about. This is not their fault because it has been taught to them by the church and by their parents. When they realize what they are doing, a light will go on and things in their lives will start to change. There is a difference between worshiping an idol and the one which Christians believe that is not the pagan God.

A non denominational church embraces people from all sectors, so everyone can worship together. It seems strange that people have to be segregated because they belong to an Anglican and a Methodist church, for example. At the end of the day, the belief is the same and that is what you should be striving for.

This is where it is more like a religion, which is done because it should be and not because one wants to go to church with a sense of passion. There is no spirituality involved in this type of service. If someone would to interrupt the service spontaneously with a word or saying something in tongues, members would become uncomfortable and start to complain.

Some people who are brave enough to come over may feel insecure at first, but there is something special about this kind of church that is able to incorporate everyone. Christianity is not divided into different sectors. The first question one asks is, "what denomination are you from?" This is like asking if you are from another religion.

There is less war at these churches because they are usually more organized. The fact that there no traditions here creates a better atmosphere amongst members because there are no complaints from the congregation saying they should be doing things in a particular way. These places of worship are normally bigger. There are a lot of events and groups that are organized on a regular basis for the congregation to get involved in. This encourages more Christian interaction, which is a good thing.

A non denominational church is usually bigger in structure and is always organizing events and groups to make members join in. This is important because one needs to get involved. Joining a group can enable you to interact with other Christians and meet other people who have the same sort of beliefs as yourself.

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