Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Role Of Food For The Poor In Haiti

By Marissa Velazquez

Food is a vital element for every human. The need for something to eat, breathe and drink is the main requirement to survive. In some countries, a lot of food is wasted, while in other parts of the earth, people may go for days without enough food to eat. Food for the Poor in Haiti is an organization that is devoted to providing sustenance to those who need help to survive. This information describes why food is so critical to life and health.

The building blocks of your body are cells. You need the right type of nutrition to provide strong cells. Every part of the body is made of innumerable counts of the cells. The foods you eat is what your body uses to build the strong cells you need. When the cells are strong, the entire body is strong. The cell walls and the contents must be healthy in order to function correctly.

All the activities of the body require energy. These actions include eating sleeping, talking and walking. Carbohydrates in the substances that you eat provide energy or fuel to the body. This allows you to complete all the activities of daily living. Without fuel, you won't be able to complete activities needed to perform the simplest tasks.

Nutrients come from the foods that are consumed. It consists of various nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins, calcium, iodine, and zinc. These have a huge significance for different body organs. For example, vitamin A is essential for health of the eyes and iodine is important for the thyroid gland. Similarly, different nutrients have different roles to play in the body.

The white blood cells form a barrier against germs, viruses and harmful invaders to the cells and bloodstream. The action is known as the immune system. It is like a defensive army which protects against disease and illness. In order to be sure of a healthy immune system, the right nutrients must be consumed on a regular basis.

In the same way as the right foods improves your muscles and bones, they also improve the health of the brain. The health of this vital organ is crucial for right thinking. The right sustenance improves the ability to concentrate and to remember things. The entire human system is operated by the commands which originate in the brain. This means a healthy brain helps every part of actions and thought.

Obviously, lack of foods has many negative effects. The effect of malnutrition can be just as devastating. Weakness, illness and even death are all part of the results of not eating. A steady supply of nutritional substances is required to avoid illness or worse.

The goal of the Food for the Poor in Haiti is to offer sustenance to as many people as possible who otherwise would not be getting the type of nutrients that they need to be healthy and free of disease. A balanced basic diet is the need of every human being. It is even more important for children who are still growing and developing.

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