Thursday, January 16, 2014

Understanding What A Wicca Shop Can Provide

By Marissa Velazquez

A Wicca shop does not provide a one-size fits all solution. They are just as diverse as the items they sell. It is not common to believe that Wiccan practitioners practice magic, but Witchcraft is not the same as being a Wiccan. It is no different than other religions that contain supernatural beings or activities.

Whether you believe in witchcraft or not, some people do. Not all Wiccans practice witchcraft, it is optional. All self-proclaimed witches or warlocks are not all Wiccans. There are some Wiccans who are nature-based, and believe in living off of the land and treating Mother Earth well. A lot of Christians may think that Wiccan beliefs are a form of evil, because it does not correlate with the teachings of the God of Abraham.

Paganism is often seen as contrary to followers of the God of Abraham, but the truth is, Pagans are quite diverse and rich in what they follow and practice. There are many people who say that they are spiritual, but they do not practice their religion with special tools. Spirituality is a stance where one connects with a higher power on a personal level rather than attend any organized meeting of religion. Much like spiritualism, Pagans use their own inspiration to connect with a higher power on a personal level.

Not very many Pagans or Wiccans follow an organized structure of meetings like those you might see in a mass church. Being a Wiccan does not mean that you practice magic, there are other things that define the Wiccan beliefs. Many Wiccans believe in the elements, where other Wiccans believe in the God and Goddess; not necessarily the same ones. Not all witches are Wiccans, and vice versa. Many worshippers of the God of Abraham do not believe in real magic, it is not uncommon for them to reject the idea entirely.

Long ago, fundamental Christians used think that Wiccan beliefs are attributed to the devil, Wiccans do not believe in the Christian theological representation of the devil. Wiccans quickly brush it of as Christian theology, whereas extreme Christians would believe that any religion other than Christianity is the work of the devil.

Wiccan people do not endure misunderstandings alone; Pagans and Atheists are also in the midst of the struggles. Anything that is not considered acceptable in the teachings of the God of Abraham is considered contrary to the people who are followers of Jesus Christ. While non-Christians acknowledge the fact he may have existed, they do not accept him as their lord and savior.

Hell, Heaven, God of Abraham, Demons, and Angels are not a part of the belief system that Atheists, Wiccans, and Pagans follow. Some say that Wiccans came around during the 1950s, but the truth is, that only represents that date that it was federally recognized as a religion.

The underlying differences that separate the Wiccans from one another are their theology, practice, and belief structure. Some Wiccans are self-proclaimed witches, while others just follow the core principles. This is what you should expect when you explore the stores that are available.

Whether you practice witchcraft or not, a Wicca shop can provide a variety of tools and supplies that will meet your religious goals. Before buying items, make sure that those items are what you need. Not all shops will have that items you need, so call and ask if you can.

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