Thursday, January 2, 2014

Will Your Relationship Last? 7 Must Read Questions

How to know if your romance will last is to observe past behavior and present your partner, especially in groups, and learn how to prove the professional skills of marriage. Because I see that most of the damage caused by the connection of the blind, running through the steps of commitment, not to create a solid foundation for the real needs of the relationship, I I always welcome the opportunity to pre counseling - commitment. My job is to ask the tough questions , in the excitement of a new romance , the couple may not have considered. Here are some questions that every couple should consider before moving in together or making joint financial commitments:

1 ) . What is your definition of commitment ?

Whether you know it or not, you and your partner to define their relationship. If you do not know what you mean a lot to your relationship , you run the risk of repeating the mistakes of the past, stuck in uncomfortable roles stays , or fight for what is a healthy relationship . Talk about what you mean by words such as respect, commitment, love and fidelity. You'll be surprised by what you learn .

2 ) . Have you discussed finances?

By sex, money is the biggest generator of problems, arguments and resentment in the long-term relationships . Couples tend to assume that the money must be pooled , but is usually not as simple as that . Income disparity can mean to fight for who pays for what , or whose income determines your lifestyle. Different financial habits ( one likes to save , the other goes up and does not detect ) can be a source of discussion. For many couples , separating your money makes things better, not ending battle for control. You can divide the uniform cost or exercise a percentage if their income is different.

3 ) . What household responsibilities ?

If you do not live together, to visit the homes of others. Radically different levels decorating styles , cleanliness and organization can be a source of argument, and so cleaning and tasks . If you have different tastes , you can require a lot of creativity and negotiation to decorate a joint in a way that makes both comfortable.Additionally home , think before you enter the house set your partner. You may find it hard to feel like you "belong " in a house that was previously established by your partner , if you join together to reorganize and redecorate .

4 ) . How close you are family or friends?

If one of you has a lot of family or friends , and the other , are not what these relationships. Where will you spend the holidays? If there are family members who have problems such as substance abuse or mental illness, how will this impact your relationship ?

5 ) . How anger and other emotions manipulated ?

Everyone gets angry from time to time . If you are good in general , spreading anger of others and be supportive in times of sadness or pain, your emotional bond will deepen as time goes on . If you tend to react with each other and make it more unstable and destructive situation is necessary to correct the problem before living together.

6 ) . How is showing love to each other ?

Share actions and words mean love can be surprising. Even though it is a struggle, discuss how to give and receive love will enhance your relationship. You understand what each of you to feel loved it, and how to effectively express your love .

7 ) . How well a patient to discuss these issues ?

Ask yourself these questions are excellent evidence of their ability to identify and solve problems. Constructive debate that leads to a mutually satisfactory solution means that you know how to solve problems in their relationship. If not, get advice before proceeding.

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