Saturday, March 15, 2014

Divination Tools That Are Often Used By Fortune Tellers

By Gwen Lowe

Divination is an old art that has been around since the time of the kings and queens. Of course this age old art also had its own tools that they would use when it comes to predicting the future of people who would want to know. Now if one would want to know, here are some of the most widely used divination tools in the craft.

The crystal ball is by far the most popular tool that all diviners would use. People who would watch movies about the supernatural would know of this because there would almost always be a fortune teller that would appear there with a crystal ball on her table. Now the crystal ball is the tool that they would use in order to project their powerful mental images on to.

Now in order to use this, one should put the ball in front of him and light up a candle. From there, he has to make sure that he meditates well and concentrates on the ball. From there, his mind should be in a trance wherein he can feel all of his energy going into the ball itself.

Of course tarot cards are also very interesting tools of divination that the fortune tellers would use. Basically, these cards have certain characters in them that have certain meanings. When the fortune teller would put several cards together, he would be able to predict the future of his clients.

Now one of the less popular tools that are used but also quite used is none other than the mystical concave scrying mirror. Now this mirror has pretty much the same function as a crystal ball. One of the major differences of the mirror as compared to the ball is that one may see through the astral plane using this.

Of course there are also times when the fortune tellers would be contacting spirits of the dead. Now in order to do this, they would make use of the very famous spirit board wherein they could talk to the spirits. They do this because there are some clients who would want to make contact with spirits in order to ask for advice or just to talk to them. Now do remember that this is an extremely dangerous process as there are times when the spirit that was called may follow the one who called it.

Of course there is also the pendulum which moves in a certain direction to tell what is to happen to a person. These pendulums are usually used to find a certain person by swinging it over a map. It can also be used see whether the fortune of a person is bad or not by moving in a certain direction.

Tea leaf reading is yet another very good way to actually predict the future of a person. Now for those who are curious about it, basically one would consume a special cup of tea that the fortune teller would provide. The tea leaves that remain would form a picture that would tell the fate of the person.

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