Friday, March 14, 2014

Table Manners And The Dining Rules And Etiquette Guide That You Need To Have

By Gwen Lowe

When you meet with your long times friends and guests, it is always a good idea you visit a nearer restaurant and have some fun. Furthermore, when your close friend welcomes you to a dinner party, you must know how to present yourself while dining with them. It should always be in your mind the need to regulate your behavior while you are dining together. The best way to do it is by observing all the dining rules and etiquette guide provided.

Common knowledge discourages talking with food in your mouth. As a necessity, always avoid such unruly behavior when sharing meals with friends. It is bad manners to talk with food in your mouth. Every good mother has always taught her children to avoid this kind of behavior.

You should never shout or say that you do not like what is being served. This would be wrong especially if that were all they had to serve. You should always try to eat small bits of the served meals even if it was not your favorite. The main thing is to participate in the feasting activity, but not finishing whatever they have placed on your table. You should be wise not to reject the food even though you do not like it.

Avoid eating the food pieces that accidentally fall on the table. Some people would not find this a problem especially when feasting on some of the most prestigious meals. You should portray your high level of discipline even if you were feasting on tasty chunks of chicken meal. It is always good to leave the piece that falls on the table or put it in another empty dish, but avoid eating it.

In addition many people conduct some mistakes even without knowing it. For example, you should never stretch your hand to pick sugar dish from another table or from the further corner end. Instead, you should ask a person who is closer to assist you with the sugar dish. However, stretching or waking up to getting the dish would not be a better idea at all and it is not also acceptable.

Another behavior to avoid is picking up calls or using your cell phone while on the dinner table. This is very rude to the host and the rest of the people on the dinner table. This is distracting to others and also unhygienic where you are eating with your bare hands. As a preparation to dine with others, put your phone in silent mode or even switch it off.

Always avoid blowing your nose as you dine with the rest on the feasting table. This would be the worst thing that you would ever do to anyone. In the event, that you must blow your nose, it is advisable to go to the restrooms or even outside the room. Blowing your nose as you dine with your guests may make them leave the rest of your meals right on your table.

Always put the needs of others before yours whenever you dine with others. This is crucial especially when you are the host. Always try to finish your meals and thank the host for a great meal even when it is not one of your best experiences.

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