Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Top 10 Relationship Questions

Question 1 . They are interested in me?

Hmm, there's really only one way to find out if someone is interested in you, and I think you will agree with me , not to me or a friend or even a friend of the person to ask viewed ask the person directly , and see for yourself !

The thing about relationships is that they must include an element of risk to be useful concerned. Here's how it works. And the risk is often clear in the beginning of the relationship .

" Oh , no," and thought to yourself : " I asked him about it is not only interested in me what do I do? " Will live , and this is what we will do , and will begin to be stronger in who you are as a man or as a woman because they operate on their beliefs .

Question 2 . Why do not adhere to me?

It is said that men are commitment - phobic , and may be compared with the women's meet . But usually when someone does not want to commit to someone, or a business plan, it is because they are not sure what to do . It's as simple as that . Now the reason we 're not sure , and that may take some time to find , and falls outside the scope of this article relationship issues , but you will be able to find with good communications.

So , talk to this person, and see what their interests are . Listen , but to listen and learn.

Time for another quote about relationships, and I think that :

" When married women than in men , we call independence when a man marries a woman , we call it fear of commitment .. " - Warren Farrell

Question 3 . How to deal with a controlling relationship ?

They are, on the need to control comes from the mistaken belief that this is the only way to get what he wants one person . They do not know any better , really . And if you can show that a person can really trust you (who can really trust ) in this relationship , then you might , just might , be able to help this person from controlling his behavior .

Good luck .

Question 4 . Why do not you trust me ?

Usually, the person who does not trust anyone because they do not trust themselves .

Example . I'm afraid that my wife may be cheating on me , for example , and in order to check on her all the time ( and start being the kind of guy who plays T3). And I do so because they mistakenly believe there won t be able to cope if the cheats . I worry about something you probably will not happen, " just in case" . But if I thought to myself , trust me enough to be more likely to trust my wife so much . And if it ends up wrong , and I know that I will be able to deal with the situation , and we know it's not me . I pass . I do not take it personally . Simple .

Question 5 . To what extent should I go for love ?

There are those who say that long distance relationships do not work , that sooner or later someone will have to pass the language of the other person , and that day may change the balance of power is irreversible.

What am I saying ? I tell you to find a quiet place in you, and you wonder if this person is worth it , if the distance is worth it . And each person will have your answers here ...

Question 6 . How do I get ... ?

They are , it is not interesting to see how these issues overlap report. This looks suspiciously like the other side of the issue of control (see Q3).

The question is better to be : "Why do you want me to ... " Find the answer to this question , with some self-examination honest , and then share the results with your partner , I will help you both , and of course , if you do .

After all , good communication of this kind is at the heart of healthy relationships , is not it?

Question 7 . The importance of sex in relationships?

How important is sex in a relationship? Too. Or not at all .

Seriously , this is the question . Again, let your mind for a moment and ask yourself ( if you do not already know ) . Even listening to the answers that come . This is called intuition , and this , and is a much better source of wisdom from some random article on the Internet that claim to know all the answers ( 10 questions of the relationship ) .

Note : I think a little humility is always useful in relations . Well, no doubt , article writing , anyway .

Oh , and if you know if this is important or not , then this is the answer , regardless of what others think (including your partner ) .

Question 8 . How do I know that trust again?

Reports of dangerous . There are no guarantees . Nothing , least of all relationships , it is true .

Understand these things , and I know you can not know how the relationship will work . And then , you know it's time to get involved again , it's time to take risks . ( To listen to the accumulated wisdom of making the mistakes of the past , I suggest politely . )

And now it's time for another quote :

"We're never so vulnerable we are confident than when someone - but paradoxically, if we can not trust , neither can we find love or joy. " - Walter Anderson

Question 9 . Why do we break ?

Love and relationships can sometimes make you - a mess! And it can be very frustrating ya.

Basically speaking , your relationship is not working . And most importantly, you do not work - you do not listen to your inner wisdom and enough here you're not sure what's going on in this relationship - broken back together again - that things will be well . They will . Trust yourself more . Things are going well . They will .

Question 10 . Should I leave ?

Yes.No.It depends .

( In fact, you need to find some peace here and answer this question for yourself , no one knows better than you , if you need someone or not! This is not your mother , not your best friend , not your partner , you know better . always , but only when calm your mind , and make a small space , and the wisdom that comes through ... )

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