Tuesday, December 24, 2013


The case of the theory of relations in all the relationships that we are in recovery or relapse on the assumption that all interaction with the various elements of our environment density (energy) different relationships become stronger or weaker-than- life password , for example, the first relationship we have is the bond between mother and child . Survival depends less on relations more intense , like a child and a child or adolescent . There is another way of saying that this is the moment where the required amount in exchange from mother to child has a significant meaning to his existence . Relations leads to tension ( friction ) that cause stress and discomfort ( stress ) recovery relieves symptoms of friction. Relapse is a return consciously or unconsciously to the presence of an unhealthy relationship . RT I think we all tend to be attracted by a special relationship with the tendency of relapse stressful and unhealthy inevitably follow . Awareness of these relationships allows us to choose other modes of behavior which reduces the intensity of the relationship . An example may be a work alcoholic in a bar , or sex offenders living near its content (ratio) in check. Relapse prevention is the process of the ongoing recovery .

Being aware of our relationships , who are cumbersome , can be judged by the actions of another . How and when relapse occurred , and the results for the next match with a ratio can be changed due to a different result . Being able to identify what we can relationships and understand how they contribute to our behavior and attitudes of participating in unhealthy relationships evil , and we are able to better assess the potential damage and the existence of a special relationship to ourselves and awareness others.Developing and the ability to recognize that relationships can be be a harmful impact on the incentive to develop different models and behaviors are believed to reduce stress and relapse. Awareness of these relationships fail can choose other methods of behavior that continue to reduce the intensity of the relationship . What is important in the theory of internal relations is motivated by the desire to explore better relations . Using interviews and the relationship of the theory of a short interview motivational techniques can be used with individuals, groups and families .

Short interventions for drug abuse in ways that individual to take small steps in behavior change . Drug abuse problem can not always be a problem before . Recognition of the changing behavior takes work individually is an essential part of treatment outcomes . Is designed motivational interviewing techniques to help clients identify their ability to manage living through behavior change . Also finds motivation interview BI " pass any resolution " is worthy of consideration, and that can contribute to stimulating the future. The extent of the damage is also a small change like a good change . When combined with the model of the theory of assault and associations of producers to adopt the relationship under pressure (recovery ) or disease ( relapse ) relationship is produced . Any judgment is placed in one of the moods . Being aware of our relationships , who are cumbersome , can be judged by the actions of another . How and when relapse occurred , and the results for the next match with a ratio can be changed due to the result of this alternative . Motivation comes from within , as the embodiment of ideas that can change the behavior . MI, BI, and human resources and we all realize the importance of self - empowerment. Theory of value give us a single box to put relations and measure their effectiveness.

Interventions short

Brief interventions and fill the frame of the " hole " in the efforts to prevent and treat the most serious (TIP 34, dizziness , p XV). It can also reduce the cost of visits to the emergency room in the future . The problem can be specialized in BI feet of each individual to make changes in customer behavior . The ultimate goal is to limit the damage in case of the continuation of the use of drugs that alter the behavior becomes , if not dealt with the result that can be harmful . Includes a broader goal specific goal for each client , which was established by mutual agreement in a position (TIP 34). BI take baby steps to confirm the customer belief in self , and a willingness to take the necessary actions to make a change .

Frameworks provide a shortcut roadmap when done with pension may lead to the desired results . Accomplishments . Using the basic skills of listening effectively allows adviser for customer engagement using comments and empowerment responsibility , and give suggestions based on the principles of best practices , and explore ( the list) to change the choices in behavior , empathy, and enhance self-efficacy (TIP 34, 2008 Osborne , 2008 ) . BI " must be specific to those who are relatively low in the preparation of the constant - to change ( Osborne , 2008 , p 155 . ) " The best way to look at it as a short-term BI, and cover with the goals of flexible , allowing individuals to decide on control or abstinence . BI is a detailed process , based on a careful assessment of the commitment and the rapid implementation of change strategies (TIP 34).

Harm reduction

The model aims of human resources to reduce the harm caused by drug abuse . For example , the person who has the problem of having multiple driving under the influence of the charges could see the problem as being in the wrong place at the right time . They seem to just be taken more than others . May feel that alcohol consumption is not a big problem , but the problem is that you are caught driving while over the legal limit . It can make you feel like they have been drinking for a period of time can improve the management of diabetes , and they know. And that's what the problem is given ? Are you or is it driving under the influence of alcohol ? What option do not have this man to reduce the risk of falling again with DUI last ? Two options are clear. It is to stop drinking is the last stop driving while intoxicated . The natural choice to be a stop for driving under the influence of alcohol . Discussions will focus on the basis of harm reduction on how drinking and driving, such as the existence of a private driver , drink at home or reduce the amount of drunk or abstain from alcohol when driving is expected . It is based on harm reduction behavior change , which is a potential danger to themselves and others . Driving under the influence of alcohol has the potential to harm others as well as oneself. Reduce the risk of harm to others demonstrates the ability of the individual to willingly accept responsibility for their actions .

Other forms of human resources for the fourth needle exchange users, and reduce the damage caused by the use of contaminated needles can cause the user. Methadone programs are used as a substitute for medication to reduce the motivation for drug use . Pharmacological interventions have been used to facilitate the removal of toxins. Can provide advice as a form of education will be useful in helping people to recognize the potential for abuse of substances can have adverse effects on their lives . Can explore other options considered change . The methods used in interventions to reduce the damage of the Council is as brief as enable customers to embrace self-esteem , and motivational interviewing , and encourage the establishment of goals that enhance self-efficacy , and explore the best life skills .

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