Friday, December 27, 2013

What A Woman Wants From a Man

Women . It has been said : "You can not live with them and we can not live without it . " I think the statement is very true . Women are indispensable.

What makes one woman ? Is that it is different from a man ? Maybe . It can be because it uses one side of the brain while men mainly use on the other side , creating a big difference in the way we see the world . After both perspectives are necessary in order to get a balanced view of life.

I would like to share with you some things about women receiving married nearly 30 years , and know what it 's like to be in love with a woman for a long time ;

1) women want their attention - it is difficult for a woman to compete with television and video games and friends. Maybe you want to talk , but usually not for himself . She said she would prefer to speak to the man in your life who turns his head and holds his heart . When you speak , stop and give it your full attention . If now is not the time to make a deep conversation (for example, in the middle of the Super Bowl ), and then ask the conversation remain until after the game . But then you need to talk , do not blow it off.

2) women want affection - affection and love go a long way . And it needs to see the soft side of you. Women love men with a strong hand , but not so that you can reach them. She wants her arms around her so she can feel safe. Need security in this life of women.

3 ) Women want acceptance - you must feel that you are not competing with the movie stars you see on television and on the big screen . He said he can not have a 36-24-36 figure , perhaps she wears glasses and dresses more pronounced . But still beautiful . You should be with a woman who feels she is beautiful for you . I tell him . Exhibition . Love unconditionally .

4 ) Women who want to - do for you . Believe it or not , this woman does not want to believe . Not only for what you have to offer , how you look or how you feel. She wants your heart . If a woman has her heart , so she knows she has any importance to you.

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