Friday, December 27, 2013

What men want

A man can be a person very interesting . On the outside, and it seems to be strong , masculine and in control of their situation , but , whenever we approached him , the more you realize , this warrior is still a child .

I'm not saying it was childish . A real man is not the same when he was a teenager . But when I tell them that is a child , it just means that men are rarely as strong as they would have the world believe. This is not a blow against men (I'm also a man ), but did not hurt things like " real men do not cry , and real men do not show emotions " men appear weak side , which we all have .

Let me give you some advice on what men want that special woman in your life ;

1) Men want to feel needed - if a man feels useless , so he feels useless . I salute the many women who have shown incredible strength in being one , single mothers and able to fend for themselves . But if you have a relationship with a man and show him that he is just a treatment additives ( such as leather seats in the car ) , then you probably will not hang around for a long time . Men always like to feel like you're the man of the relationship.

2) The man wants to feel special - how to make a man feel special / Find things alone are good with you. It would not hurt you to hear how each particular believes that for you . Comments like , "Honey , they're the best man I have known ever , or to feel special every time I'm with you ," I can go a long way to put a smile on your face , this should be the goal of all women .

3) Men want to belong - and needs to know he has a special place in your heart is not occupied by another man. Men hate being a secondary or later stage . Instead, you should know that when you think of the opposite sex , and you think of them .

4) Strong men need their ego - and this concept is difficult for some women to understand . But it's true , though. The role of a man outside a healthy ego . He needs to know that he is the man . Not every man has a ripped physique , famous , highly intelligent and a lot of money . But it remains to know that he was her knight in shining armor . He is the man of her dreams , coffee and sweeten like making your toes curl when you enter the room .

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